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Чемпионат мира по соревновательному (Томики) айкидо в США.


Vandalia, Ohio USA

Дата и время: 
с 2 Авг 2007, Четверг, 04:00 по 4 Авг 2007, Суббота, 04:00

Заявку на чемпионат надо подать до 14 июля 2007За бланком заявки обращаться к Алексею Вячеславовичу: aikido@tomiki-aikido.ruили к организатору чемпионата Wade Current: csmaikido@hotmail.comДополнительную информацию о чемпионате можно получить на сайте JAA/USA: www.tomiki.org

Место проведения: Vandalia, Ohio USA

Время проведения: 02 - 04/08/07

IMPORTANT! EVERYONE MUST PRE-REGISTER. If we have not received your completedregistration form by July 14th 2007, you will be charged an ADDITIONAL $40 LATE FEE at the door.We need this information to adequately plan and prepare a smooth running event.Brackets and meals will be set in advance.All fees may be paid upon arrival, but once again, you MUST send in your registration form early.Please fill out the top portion of the registration form completely.Indicate all events and activities that you wish to participate in.NOTE: You may not be able to add events and activities if you wait until you arrive!!Each person must fill out a registration form. (This means each partner of a kata or team should fill out a form)The FIRST event that you enter is $40 per person for adults or $20 per person for youth 14 & under.Each additional event is $10 per person, unless otherwise indicated on the form.

Youth Events:Must be 14 or under to participate.

Novice Randori: (Tanto and Toshu events)This is a new idea to get more people, of any rank, sex, or experience level, involved in randori. There are noprizes, so no one need worry about winning. It will be stressed that this is a “relaxed”, “learning” environment.The referees will be experienced players who will give instruction and advice to participants during thematches. All calls will be explained so that they are understood. Everyone who signs up will get 2 rounds ofplay whether they “win” or “lose”. If you participate in these events you may NOT enter the Individual OpenRandori Event of the same flavor. In other words, if you participate in Novice Toshu, you may not enterIndividual Open Toshu, however if you have not done Novice Tanto, then you may enter the Open Tanto event.

Open Randori:Indicate if you wish to enter Tanto and / or Toshu. There will be women’s and men’s divisions in each event.

Kata Events:Note that Kyu Junanahon and Dai San events will be run at the same time, on different mats, so you may enterone or the other but not both.Note that in the Kyu Junanahon, both partners must be Kyu rank.Note that the Freestyle and Weapons kata events will be run at the same time, on different mats, so you mayenter one or the other but not both.

Random Partner Kata: (This is a FUN event. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate!)Each pair will perform the first 10 techniques of Junanahon.Partners will be randomly drawn approximately ½ hour before competition.Dan ranks will be paired with Kyu Ranks as much as possible.Each partner should Tori for 5 techniques and Uke for 5 techniques (Not required if one partner has an injury).Any method of attack is acceptable. Examples are, static, 3-step, punches, grabs, etc. Work out what methodyou prefer with your partner after you are matched up.

Seminars:Excellent instruction by the best practitioners in the world. You will not want to miss this rare opportunity!

Activities:Welcome Party. This will be an informal, relaxed get together at the Vandalia Sports Complex. We areplanning for some friendly sand volleyball games, along with food & drink.Pool Party & Cookout. The local swimming pool closes its doors to the public and opens to our group only.We bring in ice coolers and gas grilles. We cookout, swim, and have a good time. Bring your swimsuits, relaxand join the fun!Banquet. Eat, drink, and be merry! Visit once more with old friends and new. Oh, and get your awards.
